Local Government Pay Negotiations
EDM number 1867 in 2008-09, proposed by David Anderson on 13/07/2009.
Categorised under the topics of Local government and Pay.
That this House notes that the Local Government Association (LGA) has not responded to revised proposals made by the trade unions on 21 May to end the dispute over the 0.5 per cent. 2009-10 pay offer to local government workers; further notes that the 2009-10 settlement in Buckinghamshire County Council, where the Leader is also the Leader of the LGA's majority group, is 2.25 per cent. and that the settlements in other councils which have opted out of National Joint Council for Local Government Services negotiations range from 1 per cent. to 4.8 per cent.; and therefore calls on the majority group on the LGA to come to a swift and commensurate settlement for local government workers on the lines of the revised package that was tabled on 21 May.
This motion has been signed by a total of 35 MPs.
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