Royal Mail And The Postal Services Bill
EDM number 1641 in 2008-09, proposed by Lindsay Hoyle on 10/06/2009.
Categorised under the topic of Postal services.
That this House calls on the Government to withdraw the Postal Services Bill and the proposals to part-privatise Royal Mail; notes that since the publication of the Hooper Review, the environment in which Royal Mail operates has significantly changed and that subsequent analysis and reports examining the impact of the Government's proposals raises doubts over the benefits of part-privatisation; further notes that 75 per cent. of people oppose the part-privatisation of Royal Mail, with 60 per cent. of people saying it needs to be reformed but remain in the public sector; and calls on the Government to listen and respond to these wide-ranging concerns and re-examine their proposals to ensure that Royal Mail is modernised, not privatised, and remains a wholly publically-owned organisation.
This motion has been signed by a total of 75 MPs.
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