Betfred Staff Compensation
EDM number 1409 in 2008-09, proposed by Hywel Francis on 30/04/2009.
Categorised under the topics of Employment and Gambling.
That this House notes Betfred's notification to its staff that it plans to remove overtime premium pay for Sundays and bank holidays as well as general overtime; further notes the poor compensation package offered to Betfred staff, which leaves them out of pocket in year one and all remaining years; further notes Betfred's recent announcement of £13.2 million in profit, its recent acquisition of a further 23 betting shops and its recent £4 million sponsorship of the World Snooker Championship; believes that wider economic challenges should not be a pretext or excuse to cut terms and conditions, especially in industries where profit continues to be made; understands that Betfred is issuing termination of contract notifications to those not accepting the compensation package; commends the work of Community - the union for life in its work to stand up for betting shop workers; and calls on Betfred to re-think its proposals, engage in meaningful consultation with its staff and their union representatives and refrain from cuts to terms and conditions.
This motion has been signed by a total of 31 MPs.
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