Nuclear Disarmament And Relations With The United States
EDM number 1290 in 2008-09, proposed by Dai Davies on 20/04/2009.
Categorised under the topics of Arms control and North America.
That this House agrees with President Obama's statement in his joint press conference at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office on 1 April 2009 that the United States and United Kingdom share a kinship of ideals; strongly supports this reformulation of the special relationship; notes that the United States and Russia are pressing ahead with negotiations first to reduce, and finally abolish nuclear weapons; rejects the Government's assertion that it is able to maintain very properly within the terms of the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty its minimum nuclear deterrent; and calls on the Government to act upon this kinship of ideals and enter Britain into multilateral negotiations on the abolition of weapons of mass destruction.
This motion has been signed by a total of 48 MPs.
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