Parliament Website

Gm Food

EDM number 383 in 2007-08, proposed by David Drew on 26/11/2007.
Categorised under the topics of Agriculture, Consumers, Food and Organic farming.

That this House notes the concern over the amount of genetically modified animal feed used in dairy and pig farming; acknowledges that concerns have been raised over labelling of products, such as milk and meat, as GM-free when the animals were reared using GM products; understands that the only food standard that guarantees non-GM involvement is organic; and calls on the Government to review food labelling criteria and introduce requirements to give consumers an informed choice between GM and GM-free foods.

This motion has been signed by a total of 27 MPs.

David Drew26/11/2007StroudLabourProposed
David Taylor27/11/2007North West LeicestershireLabourSeconded
Andrew Dismore27/11/2007HendonLabourSeconded
Ann Cryer27/11/2007KeighleyLabourSeconded
Martin Caton28/11/2007GowerLabourSeconded
Derek Conway28/11/2007Old Bexley & SidcupConservativeSeconded
John McDonnell28/11/2007Hayes and HarlingtonLabourSigned
Jeremy Corbyn28/11/2007Islington NorthLabourSigned
Rudi Vis28/11/2007Finchley and Golders GreenLabourSigned
John Leech28/11/2007Manchester, WithingtonLiberal DemocratSigned
Janet Dean29/11/2007BurtonLabourSigned
Michael Weir29/11/2007AngusScottish National PartySigned
Betty Williams29/11/2007ConwyLabourSigned
Alex Salmond03/12/2007Banff and BuchanScottish National PartySigned
Paul Truswell03/12/2007PudseyLabourSigned
Brian Jenkins05/12/2007TamworthLabourSigned
John Pugh06/12/2007SouthportLiberal DemocratSigned
Michael Jabez Foster06/12/2007Hastings and RyeLabourSigned
Alan Simpson10/12/2007Nottingham SouthLabourSigned
Bill Etherington10/12/2007Sunderland NorthLabourSigned
Karen Buck11/12/2007Regent's Park and Kensington NorthLabourSigned
Neil Gerrard13/12/2007WalthamstowLabourSigned
Danny Alexander28/01/2008Inverness, Nairn, Badenoch and StrathspeyLiberal DemocratSigned
Angus Robertson06/02/2008MorayScottish National PartySigned
Andrew Pelling06/10/2008Croydon CentralIndependentSigned
John Mason15/10/2008Glasgow EastScottish National PartySigned
Eddie McGrady16/10/2008South DownSocial Democratic and Labour PartySigned

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