Treatment Of Unison Campaigners
EDM number 276 in 2007-08, proposed by John McDonnell on 14/11/2007.
Categorised under the topics of Employment and Industrial relations.
That this House congratulates trade unionists taking action in opposition to privatisation, marketisation and cuts in our public services, including Karen Reissmann, Michael Gavan and the employees of Freemantle providing care services in the London Borough of Barnet; considers the dismissal of Manchester Unison health service activist Karen Reissmann to be a disgraceful attack on a trade unionist leading local opposition to the marketisation of health services; believes the disciplinary action taken against Newham Unison branch chair Michael Gavan to be an attempt to stifle opposition to the privatisation of local council services; and further calls for the reinstatement of Karen Reissmann, the dropping of disciplinary charges against Michael Gavan and the restoration of the pay and conditions of the Freemantle workers.
This motion has been signed by a total of 27 MPs.
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