Badger Culling
EDM number 240 in 2007-08, proposed by Paul Flynn on 14/11/2007.
Categorised under the topics of Agriculture, Animal diseases and Wildlife.
That this House rejects the evidence-free call for a mass slaughter of badgers, in contradiction of the proof of a 10-year detailed scientific study and the assurance of Professor John Bourne that badger culling will have no impact on reducing the spread of bovine tuberculosis; notes that the virtual extermination of badgers in the Republic of Ireland has failed to reduce the incidence of tuberculosis, which is currently twice as high as in the UK; further notes that British areas where badgers have been culled show a four fold increase in cases; and believes that the £80 million paid to farmers in free insurance for cattle destroyed in 2006 should be phased out to encourage farmers to restrict non-essential animal movements, which are the principal cause of cattle infections.
This motion has been signed by a total of 33 MPs.
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