Vet Microchipping
EDM number 2060 in 2007-08, proposed by Andrew Rosindell on 16/07/2008.
Categorised under the topic of Animals.
That this House strongly encourages the use of microchips as the preferred means of permanent identification for domestic pets; acknowledges that the microchip system can only be fully effective if animals are scanned regularly, which is particularly the case for pets that have been stolen and sold on; commends and fully supports the work of Vets Get Scanning, its founder Debbie Matthews and patron Bruce Forsyth CBE, who have campaigned tirelessly in encouraging all veterinary practices to scan routinely all new patients and retrieved and rescued animals to ensure that no chip remains undetected and that known chips remain functional; and endorses the work of the Microchip Advisory Group and Petlog on their success in helping to return hundreds of lost and stolen dogs and cats to their rightful owners.
This motion has been signed by a total of 30 MPs.
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