Workers Uniting
EDM number 1948 in 2007-08, proposed by Bob Spink on 03/07/2008.
Categorised under the topics of Employment, Industrial relations and Industry.
That this House welcomes the merger of Britain's largest union, Unite, with the US-based United Steelworkers Union, called Workers Uniting; congratulates Derek Simpson and Tony Woodley, the joint general secretaries of Unite, on their achievement; notes that Unite was formed last year in a merger between the Transport and General Workers Union and Amicus; further notes that the new union will have three million members and will synchronise negotiations with multinational companies on a global basis, preventing abuses which can flow from businesses playing one country's workers off against another's; looks forward to a fair balance of power and responsible negotiation between employers and workers in the interests of economic and social development globally and for the UK; and believes this can help lead to continued improvement in the conditions of employment for workers who create the wealth and should get a fair share of that wealth, a safe working environment and equitable pay.
This motion has been signed by a total of 22 MPs.
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