Publication Of Secondary School Performance
EDM number 1751 in 2007-08, proposed by Ken Purchase on 10/06/2008.
Categorised under the topics of Further education and Schools.
That this House is dismayed that a deeply flawed out of date list has been unnecessarily published which has been widely interpreted by the media as labelling over 600 secondary schools as failing their pupils; notes that included on the list are 26 privatised academy schools, including the much-vaunted Harris Academy, demonstrating that privatisation is not a solution to the educational disadvantage often deeply rooted in our unequal society; condemns the list for failing to recognise the hard and diligent work of teachers, parents and pupils in some of England's most deprived communities; and asks the Secretary of State to withdraw the list until further discussions have been held with appropriate local authorities in order to correct the inaccuracies.
This motion has been signed by a total of 38 MPs.
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