Stop The Drop Campaign
EDM number 1650 in 2007-08, proposed by Nigel Evans on 02/06/2008.
Categorised under the topics of Anti-social behaviour, Environmental protection, Nature conservation and Waste management.
That this House notes that across the UK an estimated 30 million tonnes of litter is collected and that it costs in excess of half a billion pounds per annum to clear the streets of the UK; recognises that the amount of litter dropped yearly in the UK has increased by 500 per cent. since the 1960s and that 1.3 million pieces of rubbish are dropped on Highways Agency roads alone every weekend; further notes that litter makes an area look dirty and uncared for and attracts more litter; understands that over 69,000 animals were killed or injured by litter last year in the UK; and calls on the Government to back publicly the Campaign to Protect Rural England's Stop the Drop campaign which aims to solve the litter and fly-tipping problems blighting the UK's countryside, cities and villages.
This motion has been signed by a total of 49 MPs, 1 of these signatures have been withdrawn.
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