Thomson Reuters Job Losses
EDM number 1640 in 2007-08, proposed by John McDonnell on 22/05/2008.
Categorised under the topics of Companies, Employment, Industrial relations, Industry, Media, Press and Unemployment.
That this House notes the announcement from media group Thomson Reuters that it plans to axe 140 journalists' jobs of which more than half are located in London and Europe; further notes that Thomson Reuters has failed to consult adequately with staff prior to the announcement despite months of requests and approaches from union representatives; is concerned about the lack of transparency surrounding the merger between Thomsons and Reuters and the absence of a clear and coherent business case outlining such a large number of job cuts; believes that Reuters employees are already working in difficult circumstances after a series of cutbacks; further believes in the importance of high-quality journalism and is anxious that poor conditions, cutbacks, inadequate pay and job uncertainty threatens this provision; and therefore urges the management to enter into meaningful dialogue with the unions representing staff immediately.
This motion has been signed by a total of 29 MPs.
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