Effect Of The Abolition Of The 10 Pence Tax Rate On Carers
EDM number 1384 in 2007-08, proposed by Andrew Stunell on 22/04/2008.
Categorised under the topics of Community care, Incomes and poverty and Taxation.
That this House notes that carers' earnings cannot exceed £95 net per week in order to qualify for the carer's allowance benefit, that maximum individual earnings combined with the carer's allowance equates to only £7,568 per annum and, as a result, working carers are in the group affected by the abolition of the 10 per cent. tax rate; further notes that most carers care for adults and are thus not entitled to child tax credits, nor do they qualify for working tax credits because they cannot work the requisite hours; believes that carers make an invaluable contribution to society; and urges the Government to take the opportunity when publishing its forthcoming National Strategy for Carers to help those carers made worse off as a result of last year's budget.
This motion has been signed by a total of 45 MPs.
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