Elections In Paraguay
EDM number 1382 in 2007-08, proposed by Colin Burgon on 22/04/2008.
Categorised under the topics of Elections, International politics and government and Latin America.
That this House warmly congratulates Fernando Lugo and the Patriotic Alliance for Change on their election victory in Paraguay ending 60 years of the conservative Colorado Party rule; recognises the victory as part of the continued shift to the left across Latin America as often impoverished citizens seek political alternatives to neo-liberal economic policies imposed upon them by domestic oligarchic elites and North American business interests; and calls upon the Government fully to respect and engage meaningfully with the democratic choice and popular governance of administrations led by Fernando Lugo (Paraguay), Evo Morales (Bolivia), Rafael Correa (Ecuador), Hugo Chavez (Venezuela), Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner (Argentina) and Tabaré Vázquez (Uruguay) who seek to prove that another world is possible.
This motion has been signed by a total of 37 MPs.
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