Corporation Tax Avoidance Schemes
EDM number 1093 in 2007-08, proposed by Austin Mitchell on 03/03/2008.
Categorised under the topics of Companies and Taxation.
That this House urges the Government to investigate the activities of Alliance and Leicester, Allied Domecq,, Amersham, Arcadia, Barclays, BAT, BHS, BOC Group, Compass Group, Dixons, GlaxoSmithKline, Honda, IDEA, Kelda Group, Lloyds TSB, Merrill Lynch, News Corporation, Nissan, Northern and Shell, Portland Enterprises, Prudential, Rolls Royce, Sage Group, Shell, Severn Trent, Setanta Sports, Tesco, Totesport Casino, Toyota, Virgin Atlantic, Virgin Trains, Vodafone and WPP, all of whom consistently pay considerably less than the due standard rate of corporation tax, by using tax havens and tax avoidance schemes, thus depriving the UK Treasury of billions of pounds of tax revenue each year; and suggests that each company be required to publish a full explanation of why it pays tax at less than the standard rate of corporation tax, as well as listing the tax avoidance schemes used to this end and the sources from which they acquired the schemes.
This motion has been signed by a total of 33 MPs.
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