Recent Arrest And Detention Of Ethnic Indian Human Rights Defenders In Malaysia
EDM number 1091 in 2007-08, proposed by Jeremy Corbyn on 03/03/2008.
Categorised under the topics of Asia and Human rights.
That this House notes with concern the recent arrest and detention without trial in Malaysia of five ethnic Indian human rights defenders from the organisation Hindraf following a peaceful gathering demanding basic rights; further notes that these men are being held by the Internal Security Act which allows detention without trial for an unspecified period; further notes that these arrests come on top of other actions taken by the Malaysian government to curtail the human rights of the minority Indian community in Malaysia including the freedom of religion; calls on the Government to make representations to the government of Malaysia on serious human rights violations against the ethnic minority Indian community; calls on Malaysia to ensure that the internationally protected rights of ethnic minority community, to peaceful assembly, expression and freedom of thought, conscience and religion are protected in accordance with international standards; and calls for the immediate release of the five held without trial.
This motion has been signed by a total of 44 MPs, 1 of these signatures have been withdrawn.
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