Wet Age Related Macular Degeneration
EDM number 1079 in 2007-08, proposed by Sandra Gidley on 28/02/2008.
Categorised under the topics of Diseases, Health finance, Health services and Medicine.
That this House welcomes the announcement by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) of a review of its earlier appraisal consultation document regarding anti-VEGF treatments for wet age related macular degeneration (wet AMD); acknowledges that allocation of treatment according to the latest appraisal consultation document could potentially save the sight of as many as 26,000 patients per annum; welcomes the level of co-operation between NICE, the Royal National Institute for the Blind and members of the pharmaceutical industry in bringing about a satisfactory solution; looks forward to full guidance on anti-VEGF treatments for patients with wet AMD being published by NICE; and hopes that this guidance will be implemented as swiftly as possible by local primary care trusts.
This motion has been signed by a total of 96 MPs, 2 of these signatures have been withdrawn.
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