Unicef Report On Child Poverty And Deprivation In Britain
EDM number 912 in 2006-07, proposed by Philip Hammond on 20/02/2007.
That this House notes with deep concern that the UK is ranked bottom of 21 OECD nations in terms of child well-being in UNICEF's report `Child poverty in perspective'; further notes that this report is further evidence of the Government's lack of progress in tackling the root causes of child poverty and deprivation; pays tribute to the work done by the organisations involved in the Campaign to End Child Poverty in raising the profile of this issue; recognises the importance of relative income measures of poverty; shares UNICEF's assessment that economic poverty alone is an inadequate measure of a child's overall well-being; and calls on the Government, as well as addressing income poverty, to do more to address the broader set of corrosive social problems which are undermining the well-being of British children, and in particular to address the breakdown of family support for children.
This motion has been signed by a total of 91 MPs.
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