Australia Day - 26th January 2007
EDM number 682 in 2006-07, proposed by Andrew Rosindell on 19/01/2007.
That this House notes that 26th January marks Australia's National Day commemorating the anniversary of the day on which Captain Arthur Philip in 1788 unfurled the Union Flag at Sydney Cove; recognises that the strong historical bonds reinforced through the military, sport, the media and the arts and the shared heritage and special relationship between the peoples of the United Kingdom and Australia is strengthened through flourishing bilateral trade and investment; and calls upon the Government to strengthen the close political, economic and cultural ties that continue to bind these two great nations together, which share Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II as Head of State and Sovereign.
This motion has been signed by a total of 88 MPs, 1 of these signatures have been withdrawn.
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