Council Of Europe Convention On Trafficking
EDM number 566 in 2006-07, proposed by Louise Ellman on 08/01/2007.
That this House notes with concern that trafficking of women, children and men is a growing problem in the United Kingdom and that an estimated 4,000 people are trafficked into the United Kingdom annually; welcomes the fact that trafficking for sexual and labour exploitation is a criminal offence in the United Kingdom; further welcomes the opening of the United Kingdom Human Trafficking Centre, but is dismayed at the lack of measures needed to protect and support people who have been trafficked into the country, including safe housing and emergency medical support; and calls upon the Government urgently to sign and ratify the new Council of Europe Convention Against Trafficking, signed by 30 members of the Council of Europe, which is specifically aimed at protecting trafficked people's rights.
This motion has been signed by a total of 94 MPs, 1 of these signatures have been withdrawn.
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