Sprinklers In Schools
EDM number 264 in 2006-07, proposed by John Penrose on 23/11/2006.
That this House is concerned that more than 2,000 schools are damaged by fire each year; highlights that the proportion of fires caused by arson in schools is approximately 50 per cent. higher than in other occupied buildings; notes that school fires cause major disruption to children's education, destroying coursework and schoolwork, as well as irreplaceable teaching notes and aids; further notes that large fires force schools to provide lessons in temporary accommodation compounding the negative effect on children's education; acknowledges that sprinklers are an important part of an overall fire safety approach, particularly in communities blighted by low-level crime that are more likely to suffer from an arson attack; highlights that reduced fire insurance premiums, better fire alarms and cheaper construction materials where sprinklers are installed can make them a cost neutral option; and calls on the Government to review current policy to promote sprinkler provision in all new schools, and wherever possible, in those undergoing major refurbishment.
This motion has been signed by a total of 112 MPs, 1 of these signatures have been withdrawn.
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