Eu 20 Per Cent. Renewables Target By 2020
EDM number 2142 in 2006-07, proposed by Colin Challen on 17/10/2007.
That this House welcomes the new EU target of 20 per cent. renewables as a proportion of total energy by 2020; believes that technological leadership by the EU is essential in the global fight against climate change and for improving energy security; notes that the United Kingdom currently delivers 1.75 per cent. total energy from renewables, the lowest percentage in Europe apart from Luxembourg and Malta; further notes that the EU average is 7 per cent, with countries like Denmark on 16.21 per cent. having demonstrated that renewables output can be doubled in a single decade; urges the United Kingdom Government to adopt a much more ambitious approach to the United Kingdom's exceptional renewable resources, also making use of the United Kingdom's considerable engineering and academic expertise; further recognises that the United Kingdom is the second largest economy in Europe, and the world's fifth biggest economy and sixth biggest manufacturing economy, and therefore has the knowledge and resources to deliver a step change in the delivery of renewable energy, creating significant employment and export opportunities; further urges the Government to offer strong leadership on United Kingdom renewables and to adopt a positive approach to EU negotiations on the EU target to achieve an outcome which supports the rapid expansion of renewable energy in the United Kingdom; and urges the Government to adopt the Renewable Energy Association and British Wind Energy Association's call for a 2020 Renewable Taskforce to ensure that government works in partnership with key industries and the energy regulator to deliver as close to 20 per cent. renewables by 2020 as possible.
This motion has been signed by a total of 41 MPs.
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