Water-Related Malnutrition For Patients In Hospital
EDM number 2029 in 2006-07, proposed by David Anderson on 08/10/2007.
That this House notes with concern the lack of basic minimum standards to ensure that patients in hospital are well hydrated and have access to fresh drinking water throughout their day; is further concerned that patients are at risk of becoming malnourished during a stay in hospital; supports the launch of the Royal College of Nursing and National Patient Safety Agency Hydration Best Practice Toolkit for Hospitals and Healthcare to help nurses to improve the nutrition and hydration of patients across the UK; welcomes the partnership approach of the Water for Health Alliance in developing practical and specific guidance to improve hydration and well-being in hospitals and care homes for older people; requests that everyone in the NHS from catering staff to chief executives make nutrition a priority; encourages NHS trusts to help nurses and hospital caterers to understand the health benefits of drinking enough water; urges hospital staff to ensure that those who need help with consuming enough water receive that help; and calls on NHS trusts to take immediate and sustained action to end the malnutrition and water-related malnutrition of older people in hospital.
This motion has been signed by a total of 43 MPs.
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