Fortieth Anniversary Of The Legalislation Of Homosexuality
EDM number 2004 in 2006-07, proposed by Jo Swinson on 25/07/2007.
That this House notes that 27th July 2007 is the 40th anniversary of Royal Assent to the legislation that legalised homosexuality; applauds how much further lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights have progressed since that time; regrets that despite this, homophobic and transphobic prejudice and discrimination still occur; calls for more action in schools, including better sex and relationship education, and robust measures to stop homophobic and transphobic bullying; further calls for a consistent comprehensive Single Equality Act that would apply discrimination law, similar to that in place for race, to people on the grounds of their sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression; and calls for a public sector duty to promote LGBT equality to prevent discrimination in the public sector before it occurs and to provide a template for best practice in the private sector.
This motion has been signed by a total of 32 MPs.
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