Induced Motor Accidents
EDM number 1697 in 2006-07, proposed by Nigel Evans on 14/06/2007.
That this House notes the worrying increase in staged and induced motor incidents over the last seven years, especially in the North West; is aware of the increasing danger that this fraudulent activity poses to public safety as well as its role in pushing up insurance premiums; welcomes the work of the Insurance Fraud Bureau and AXA UK in raising awareness of this crime's impact; notes that there are a number of Government initiatives designed to address this problem; is concerned that the lack of a national strategy, backed by targeted resources, is hindering adequate detection; and calls on the Government to work with the police, the insurance industry and other appropriate authorities to draw up a UK-wide action plan to tackle this issue.
This motion has been signed by a total of 53 MPs, 1 of these signatures have been withdrawn.
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