Keeping Of Cetaceans In Captivity
EDM number 1342 in 2006-07, proposed by Mike Hancock on 24/04/2007.
That this House welcomes the fact that no cetaceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises) have been kept in captivity in the UK since 1993, but is concerned that there is no legislation to prevent these animals being housed in captive facilities within the UK in the future; notes that cetaceans are intelligent, social animals with complex needs which cannot be met in captivity and that there is evidence to suggest that captivity causes serious physical and behavioural welfare problems, and that many cetaceans are still taken from the wild to supply captive facilities; furthermore, notes with concern the involvement of companies in the UK with overseas establishments which keep cetaceans in captivity; and calls on the Government to introduce legislation specifically prohibiting the keeping of cetaceans in captivity other than in cases which involve short-term rehabilitation with a view to a release back to the wild in the case of injured cetaceans.
This motion has been signed by a total of 116 MPs, 3 of these signatures have been withdrawn.
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