Media Freedom In Russia
EDM number 1308 in 2006-07, proposed by Austin Mitchell on 19/04/2007.
That this House is concerned that the recent deaths of investigative journalists Ivan Safronov on 2nd March 2007 and Anna Politkovskaya on 7th October 2006 are amongst an increasing number of journalists in Russia who have suffered suspicious deaths; notes that an International News Safety Institute report shows that in the last 10 years, 88 journalists were killed in Russia, the most common cause of these deaths being contract murders; is further concerned that there is a lack of independently-owned media in Russia, particularly within broadcasting; believes that the freedom of journalists and a balance of media ownership, which ensures a pluralist media industry, are vital aspects of a democratic society; and therefore urges the Government to support the work of the International Commission of Inquiry into the Assassination of Journalists in Russia and to use all international opportunities to support the freedom of the media within Russia.
This motion has been signed by a total of 47 MPs.
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