Safe And Local Supplier Approval Scheme
EDM number 1241 in 2006-07, proposed by Stephen Crabb on 28/03/2007.
That this House congratulates the British Retail Consortium, the British Hospitality Association, the Food and Drink Federation and the National Farmers' Union for developing the Safe and Local Supplier Approval (SALSA) scheme, which removes many of the practical barriers preventing small producers from directly supplying local retailers and caterers with their products; recognises that the SALSA scheme will enable far more local and small food producers directly to supply public institutions, food outlets, caterers, retailers and other food service businesses, thereby giving consumers an unprecedented level of choice in the food they eat; acknowledges that a high level of food safety is essential before products are made available to the public; welcomes the introduction of a scheme that makes food safety certification affordable for smaller suppliers; further recognises that this scheme will bring about a general uplift in food safety amongst small producers, enabling greater consumer confidence and experimentation in the foods they eat; is pleased that the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs recognised the importance of this scheme by funding the initial start-up costs; and urges the four trade associations involved to continue to work together to support small producers and help them meet the standards necessary to enable their businesses to thrive.
This motion has been signed by a total of 43 MPs.
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