EDM number 808 in 2005-06, proposed by Harry Cohen on 19/10/2005.
That this House welcomes the historic visit to Westminster on 24th October by a delegation of 11 Tibetan Members of Parliament from the Assembly of Tibetan People's Deputies; commends the Tibetan Government in exile's continued commitment to delivering change and seeking justice for their people through non-violence; considers it a significant achievement that democracy has been developed for the Tibetan people in exile despite the adversity of their circumstances; laments that the Tibetan people within Tibet do not have the same recourse to democratic process; and urges the Government to continue its policy actively to encourage the Chinese Government to negotiate with the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan Government to find a lasting and legitimate solution to the benefit of Tibet and China.
This motion has been signed by a total of 86 MPs, 1 of these signatures have been withdrawn.
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