Enclaved People Of The Karpas
EDM number 2867 in 2005-06, proposed by Andrew Dismore on 26/10/2006.
That this House expresses its extreme concern over the conditions of the enclaved Greek Cypriots living in the Turkish-occupied Karpas Peninsula, in northern Cyprus; notes that only 230, mostly elderly, remain of the 12,000 Greek Cypriots who stayed on after the Turkish invasion in 1974; is alarmed by the breaches of almost every article of the European Convention on Human Rights experienced by the enclaved, including harassment by organs of the Turkish state and Turkish settlers, lack of legal and policing protection from the local administration, interference in education, with teachers forced to make round trips of up to three hours each way to and from Nicosia and pages arbitrarily ripped from school books, the prevention of enclaved Greek Cypriots from working other than in agriculture, and the prevention of married couples living together; notes the fears of Greek Cypriots that prevents them from talking to outsiders because of police questioning and arbitrary arrest as a consequence; and therefore urges the UK Government, the Council of Europe, the European Union and the United Nations to take up the case of these oppressed people with the government of Turkey, so that the European Convention of Human Rights and Copenhagen criteria can be seen to be observed and practiced in Cyprus.
This motion has been signed by a total of 20 MPs.
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