Overseas Heavy Goods Vehicles
EDM number 2809 in 2005-06, proposed by Lindsay Hoyle on 19/10/2006.
That this House notes that one in seven of the heaviest lorries on UK roads now come from overseas; recognises that these vehicles contribute nothing towards the costs they impose in terms of road wear and air quality, which in turn gives them an unfair competitive advantage over UK hauliers, who face higher duties; further notes that HGVs from overseas do not always comply with UK road safety standards either in terms of loading capacity or of vehicle inspections; and calls on the Government to introduce a charging mechanism that ensures foreign operators contribute to the costs their vehicles impose on the UK roads network, in addition to introducing a system of collecting information from visiting lorry operators and drivers, in order to improve UK road safety.
This motion has been signed by a total of 52 MPs.
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