Future Of The UK Nuclear Deterrent
EDM number 2652 in 2005-06, proposed by Nick Harvey on 25/07/2006.
That this House welcomes the Government's commitment to a vote on the future of the UK's nuclear deterrent; notes that on 7th February 2006 the Prime Minister promised the `fullest possible Parliamentary debate' on this matter; regrets the Ministry of Defence's unwillingness so far to co-operate with the Defence Select Committee's enquiry into the future of the UK nuclear deterrent; calls upon the Government to facilitate a full public debate on the options for replacement of the Trident missile system and to provide information and analysis on the estimated costs, current and future threats to the UK, the capability of a nuclear deterrent to address such threats, the political and strategic context, UK international obligations and proliferation implications; further notes that Ministers and hon. Members must be involved in this debate; and urges the Government to ensure that such a debate takes place prior to a vote on the substantive question of whether or not the UK retains its nuclear deterrent.
This motion has been signed by a total of 47 MPs.
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