All Party Parliamentary Weight Watchers Group
EDM number 2010 in 2005-06, proposed by Adrian Bailey on 24/04/2006.
That this House congratulates the All Party Parliamentary Weight Watchers Group on the success of the Weight Watchers Westminster Awards 2005-06, during which members lost a total of fifteen and a half stone and raised £2,000 for charity; salutes the hon. Member for Portsmouth North and the hon. Member for East Hampshire on their winning efforts on behalf of Portsmouth Area Rape Crisis and The Rosemary Foundation; applauds the members of the Westminster staff weigh-in for losing a total of 19 stone and raising another £2,000 for charity; welcomes the additional £4,000 donated by Weight Watchers to the British Heart Foundation as part of the challenge; and commends the contribution of the All Party Parliamentary Weight Watchers Group to the health and fitness of hon. Members of both Houses.
This motion has been signed by a total of 47 MPs.
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