Support For Short Sea And Waterway Shipping
EDM number 1880 in 2005-06, proposed by Gwyn Prosser on 22/03/2006.
That this House welcomes the publication of the Case for Water report by Sea and Water; acknowledges that Sea and Water call not for long-term subsidy for the water freight sector but a level playing field for all transport modes; recognises that the water freight industry makes a major contribution to the UK's economy, employs more than 200,000 people and has the potential to boost the employment of British seafarers and shore staff; notes that moving freight by water is environmentally sustainable and takes lorries off the congested road network; believes that, with proper political encouragement, the water freight sector can meet growing demand; acknowledges that the Government's proposed system of road pricing will enable the true cost of road freight transport to be paid, but that until this is instituted water freight should be supported and helped by easing the tortuous planning procedures; and calls on the Government to back the water freight industry with policies to develop and maintain the inland waterway network and allow the appropriate expansion of UK ports.
This motion has been signed by a total of 43 MPs.
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