Single Farm Payments (No. 2)
EDM number 1786 in 2005-06, proposed by Daniel Rogerson on 09/03/2006.
That this House notes that figures from a recent Farming Online members' poll show that out of 1084 respondents just 31 farmers have received their Single Farm Payments (SFPs); further notes that these payments are already much later than those under the previous regime which were traditionally delivered in the autumn; further notes with concern that a Rural Payments Agency (RPA) source recently cast doubt upon the likelihood of the RPA meeting the Government target that 96 per cent. of SFP payments be made by the end of March; further notes that of those farmers who have received their SFP entitlement statement 66 per cent. have not yet had them validated; and calls upon the Government to provide a guarantee to those farmers who have not yet received their payments that they will have them by the end of March.
This motion has been signed by a total of 29 MPs.
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