EDM number 1631 in 2005-06, proposed by Shahid Malik on 13/02/2006.
That this House calls for St George's Day to be given the importance it warrants; support the St George's Day campaign spearheaded by Ian Botham which has received the support of some 400,000 people thus far; believes that St George's Day provides a unique opportunity to celebrate collective Englishness, to take pride in heritage and to highlight the values which define modern England, such as honesty, fairness, tolerance, enterprise and equality which help to create a cohesive, dynamic and stable England which both respects its past and is ready to deal with the challenges and opportunities of the future; and calls on the Government, ahead of St George's Day on 23rd April, to make St George's Day a public national holiday in England.
This motion has been signed by a total of 50 MPs.
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