Open Up To Mouth Cancer Campaign
EDM number 1030 in 2005-06, proposed by Howard Stoate on 15/11/2005.
That this House welcomes the launch of the Open Up to Mouth Cancer Campaign, a national campaign funded by the Department of Health and run by Cancer Research UK; notes that mouth cancer affects 4,400 people a year, which is more than cervical cancer and testicular cancer put together; further notes that the main risk factors for mouth cancer are tobacco use and excessive alcohol consumption; is concerned that incidence of the disease is increasing and that survival among mouth cancer patients remains poor despite the fact that early diagnosis, when treatment can be simpler and more effective, leads to better cure rates; recognises the crucial role that doctors, dentists and pharmacists play in the early detection of mouth cancer; and supports Cancer Research UK's campaign to raise public awareness of these risk factors and of the signs and symptoms of mouth cancer.
This motion has been signed by a total of 105 MPs.
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