Towards A Cyprus Settlement
EDM number 910 in 2004-05, proposed by Valerie Davey on 10/03/2005.
That this House notes that after the 17th April Turkish Cypriot elections there will be an opportunity for Cypriots themselves to have an input into a settlement; urges the Government to support projects which help this process, such as the opening of Green Line crossing points near Morphou and Nicosia's Ledra Street, continued de-mining in the Buffer Zone, the conduct by the EU of a property, and by the Council of Europe of a demographic, census in all Cyprus, early activation of the 259 million euro EU aid package to Turkish Cypriots, the institution of regular contacts between civil society organisations, the completion of the work of the Missing Committee, a monument on the Green Line to all Cypriots who lost their lives, focus group and public opinion polls to understand where progress can be made, work on teaching and textbooks, as promoted by the multi-communal NGO, The Association for Historical Dialogue and Research, and the Centre for Democracy and Reconciliation in South East Europe; and hopes that both leaderships can emphasise the importance of involvement of Cypriots in these projects and seriously consider unilateral implementation of confidence building measures to prepare the ground until a mutually acceptable procedure is reached for renewed negotiations.
This motion has been signed by a total of 30 MPs.
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