Destruction Of The Icelandic Highlands
EDM number 883 in 2004-05, proposed by Sue Doughty on 09/03/2005.
That this House is seriously concerned at the construction of a series of dams at Karahnjukar in the Icelandic highlands, one of Europe's last unspoilt wildernesses, to power an aluminium smelting plant for the US multinational Alcoa; notes that Iceland's National Planning Agency rejected the project on the grounds of substantial, irreversible negative environmental impact; further notes that an Icelandic court has ruled that the Environmental Impact Assessment submitted with the planning application for the Alcoa smelter is invalid; further notes that the dam is being built on a seismic fault with significant risk to local populations and that the build-up of silt will result in dust storms damaging farmland and feeding grounds for reindeer and many birds species; further notes that the principal subcontractor, Impregilo, is facing corruption charges in Africa; regrets the decision of Barclays to provide a loan of $400 million for the project in breach of the Equator Principles which demand sound environmental practices as a financial prerequisite; draws attention to plans to build dams in Thjorsarver, despite being protected by the RAMSAR Treaty, and in Langisjor, Skjalfandafljot and Skagafjordur region; supports the Icelandic independent campaigners who have requested international assistance for the domestic opposition to the projects; and calls on the Government to use its political and diplomatic links with the Icelandic Government to encourage them to terminate the Karahnjukar project and those at similar sites threatened by heavy industry so that the Icelandic Highlands are protected for the enjoyment of future generations of Icelanders and their visitors.
This motion has been signed by a total of 30 MPs, 1 of these signatures have been withdrawn.
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