Swastika As A Religious Symbol
EDM number 565 in 2004-05, proposed by Stephen Pound on 20/01/2005.
That this House notes the campaign within the Hindu community to reclaim the ancient symbol of the swastika in the face of calls for a Europe-wide ban; notes that Hindu, Hain and Buddist communities have used the swastika as a symbol of peace, life and good fortune for several millenniums; fully understands and sympathises with the fears and concerns of the Jewish community and other victims of Nazism; believes that a Europe-wide ban would result in Hindus being deprived of a sacred symbol that is integral to their faith and the practice of their faith; and believes that a process of education, and of dialogue between communities should be instigated to remove any misconceptions about the use of the swastika for peaceful and religious purposes by Hindu, Jain and Buddist communities while totally condemning the use of the swastika to promote xenophobia and racial hatred.
This motion has been signed by a total of 38 MPs.
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