Fridge Recovery Facilities
EDM number 555 in 2004-05, proposed by Anne McIntosh on 19/01/2005.
That this House regrets the lamentable record of the Government in relation to fridge recovery facilities; further regrets the damning conclusions of the Environment Agency Audit Report that half of reprocessors are not recovering a reasonable amount of ozone-depleting substances from their processed fridges; expresses concern that, despite the fact that 2.3 million fridges and freezers are discarded each year, the Government can only account for 1.3 million; and calls on the Government to take urgent action to ensure that fridge recycling plants in England and Wales meet the level of ozone-depleting substances recovery to prevent further damage to the environment caused by the failure properly to implement the policy on fridge disposal.
This motion has been signed by a total of 64 MPs.
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