Parliament Website

Voting For Democratic Parties In Northern Ireland

EDM number 1023 in 2004-05, proposed by David Burnside on 05/04/2005.

That this House, noting the forthcoming general and local government elections on 5th May in the Province, hopes that the electorate will, through the ballot box, reject both Irish Republican parties like Sinn Fein and self-styled loyalist front parties which retain illegal, terrorist organisations involved in widespread criminal activities in Ireland and abroad and that it will only vote for political parties like the two Unionist parties, the Alliance Party and the constitutional SDLP, sending out a clear message from the people of the Province that they no longer want terrorism and criminality masquerading as politics and that the only peaceful way forward is total commitment by all political parties to democracy.

This motion has been signed by a total of 6 MPs.

David Burnside05/04/2005South AntrimUUPProposed
Martin Smyth06/04/2005Belfast SouthUUPSigned
Mike Hancock06/04/2005Portsmouth SouthLiberal DemocratSigned
Roy Beggs06/04/2005East AntrimUUPSigned
David Trimble06/04/2005Upper BannUUPSigned
Ann Winterton06/04/2005CongletonConservativeSigned

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