Impact Of Visa Charges On International Students
EDM number 74 in 2003-04, proposed by David Davis on 26/11/2003.
That this House notes with concern the new charges of up to ú250 which were introduced by the Home Office on 1st August to process applications to extend permission to stay in the United Kingdom; further notes that all non-European Union international students will be subject to this charge each time they apply to extend their stay in the United Kingdom; condemns the Government for the way in which these charges were introduced with no consultation with universities, colleges or student organisations and with only 21 days' notice given; notes that the charges will not result in an improved service, with the Home Office still aiming to process applications within a maximum of 13 weeks; is concerned that these charges will hit many international students studying in the United Kingdom, many of whom are still unaware of the change and who will have to pay the charge up to four or five times during their studies; believes the new charges run the risk of damaging the United Kingdom's long tradition of attracting students from across the world to colleges and universities and therefore runs contrary to the government's stated policy of attracting increased numbers of international students into the United Kingdom; congratulates the Edinburgh University Students' Association along with the many other student organisations across the country for their campaigns seeking a reversal in this damaging policy and a full review of the way student visa applications are handled by the Home Office; further notes with concern the damaging effect of these charges on overseas pupils attending boarding schools in the United Kingdom; and regrets the damage which may be done to an important market worth over ú240 million annually.
This motion has been signed by a total of 58 MPs.
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