Deficiencies Of The Energy Bill (House Of Lords)
EDM number 464 in 2003-04, proposed by Desmond Turner on 21/01/2004.
That this House endorses the aspirations of the Energy White Paper for the deployment of renewable electricity generation of 10 per cent. by 2010 and 20 per cent. by 2020 as a major contribution towards the target of a 60 per cent. reduction in carbon dioxide emissions by 2050; notes however that there is little confidence that these aims will be achieved without new policy initiatives and that the Energy Bill (House of Lords) contains no provisions that will stimulate more rapid development and deployment of renewable energy; and calls on the Government to consider radical amendments to the Bill drawing on ideas such as the proposal for a carbon tax from the Royal Society, the recommendations of the Science and Technology Committee of the House for a Renewable Energy Authority, funded by a carbon tax, and the renewable energy report and recommendations from the all-party parliamentary group, PRASEG.
This motion has been signed by a total of 39 MPs.
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