Pubwatch And Preventing Drink-Related Incidents
EDM number 1136 in 2003-04, proposed by Kerry Pollard on 06/05/2004.
That this House welcomes the success of the Pubwatch scheme in St Albans, where 36 of the 46 pubs in the city centre are members; notes that St Albans has the highest number of drinking establishments per head of the population in Europe with a large number of younger people coming into the town at weekends; congratulates the Hertfordshire Constabulary and the Pubwatch team for their success in overseeing a 40 per cent. decrease in the number of drink-related incidents in the past 15 months; notes that alcohol-related crime has shown an increase in other parts of the country in the same period; and calls on other towns and cities to follow St Albans' lead and introduce similar pubwatch schemes to reduce the number of drink-related incidents nationally.
This motion has been signed by a total of 25 MPs.
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