EDM number 972 in 2002-03, proposed by Kevin Brennan on 26/03/2003.
That this House notes that the eleventh BBC Singer of the World competition will take place in Cardiff between 22nd and 29th June; further notes that it is highly appropriate that the world's most prestigious singing competition should be held in the capital of the nation with such a renowned choral tradition and such a wealth of cultural diversity; notes that the BBC Singer of the World in Cardiff competition, alongside the Rugby World Cup and FA Cup finals at the Millennium Stadium, the Welsh National Opera at the Wales Millennium Centre, and Artes Mundi the Wales international art prize, is an excellent example of Wales' and Cardiff's ability to deliver world-class cultural events; and wishes Cardiff every success in its attempts to become European Capital of Culture 2008.
This motion has been signed by a total of 33 MPs.
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