Parliament Website

Inquiry Into Resignation Of Mr Bill Lowry

EDM number 528 in 2002-03, proposed by Nigel Dodds on 15/01/2003.

That this House, noting the grave allegations made by the former regional head of Special Branch in the Belfast area, calls on the Northern Ireland Police Board to initiate immediately an inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the resignation of Mr Bill Lowry and to take this action without delay.

This motion has been signed by a total of 8 MPs.

Nigel Dodds15/01/2003Belfast NorthDUPProposed
Martin Smyth16/01/2003Belfast SouthUUPSigned
David Burnside16/01/2003South AntrimUUPSigned
David Wilshire20/01/2003SpelthorneConservativeSigned
Nicholas Winterton20/01/2003MacclesfieldConservativeSigned
Roy Beggs21/01/2003East AntrimUUPSigned
Jeffrey M Donaldson07/02/2003Lagan ValleyUUPSigned
Gregory Campbell27/02/2003East LondonderryDUPSigned

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