EDM number 400 in 2002-03, proposed by David Curry on 17/12/2002.
That this House notes that the Government proposes to fund the additional cost to North Yorkshire County Council, as a result of implementing Article 16(2) of EC Regulation 2037/00 on Ozone Depleting Substances, in the period from 1st April 2002 to 31 March 2003, by means of a special grant allocation of ú362,434; further notes that the estimated actual cost by North Yorkshire County Council for the storage and disposal of redundant refrigerators during this time period is ú443,596, and that in addition, unknown costs for the collection of redundant refrigerators are also being incurred by Craven District Council, Hambleton District Council, Harrogate Borough Council, Richmondshire District Council, Ryedale District Council, Scarborough Borough Council, and Selby District Council; recognises that the total extra cost in North Yorkshire County Council is in excess of ú443,596; and, in view of the statement by the Minister for the Environment, the Right honourable Member for Oldham West and Royton on local authority funding that 'We are... taking the realistic view that if extra duties are imposed they should be reasonably funded. That is the Government's policy' (Official Report, 14th January, column 125); and calls upon the Government to make clear how it intends to fund the shortfall in North Yorkshire will not be less that ú81,162.
This motion has been signed by a total of 24 MPs.
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