Filming By Parents Of School Nativity Plays
EDM number 390 in 2002-03, proposed by John Barrett on 16/12/2002.
That this House notes with concern the decision of the City of Edinburgh Council's Education Department to ban parents from videoing their children during 2002 school nativity plays without the written permission of all parents involved, in an effort to combat paedophiles; further notes that the measure will also be applicable to concerts, sports days and prize giving ceremonies; accepts the need to tackle paedophile access to children but believes this measure is a step too far; agrees with the Scottish Parent Teacher Council who has described the move as an over reaction and over protectionist; and calls on all local councils to ensure that all parents, who wish to record on film memories of their childrens' performances, are able to do so this Christmas.
This motion has been signed by a total of 34 MPs.
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