Connex And The Strategic Rail Authority
EDM number 1930 in 2002-03, proposed by Clive Efford on 17/11/2003.
That this House welcomes the decision to terminate Connex's ownership of the South Eastern railway franchise and that this service will now be run by the public sector, through the Strategic Rail Authority; further welcomes the fact that this is the first passenger service to be brought back into public ownership since privatisation; is concerned, however, that despite the poor record of privatised train operators, the SRA is proposing automatically to re-privatise this service by inviting private sector tenders for this service without considering a public sector option; and urges the Government to use its powers under the Transport Act to retain the south eastern franchise in the public sector to help promote an integrated public railway system and ensure a better deal for the passenger and tax payer.
This motion has been signed by a total of 23 MPs.
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